Нефтегазстройпрофсоюз России

by Нефтегазстройпроф&...



HOW TO ACTIVATE THE CARD:1 - Enter your date of birth in the "Password" field2 - Click the "Activate" button.3 - Fill out the form, enter the "New password".4 - Click the "Continue Activation" button.5 - After clicking on the "Continue activation" button, you will receive an email with a link to the card activation page at the e-mail address specified in the questionnaire.6 - After clicking on the activation link, return to the application and log in using your card number and the password you specified earlierOne of the most priority areas of activity of the Neftegazstroytrafsoyuz of Russia is to increase the level of social protection and the growth of the well-being of the members of the Trade Union.To solve this problem, a program of preferences for members of the Neftegazstroyprofsoyuz of Russia "My trade union card" has been developed, which allows you to receive discounts, bonuses and various types of privileges when purchasing goods and services.In order to receive preferences from the Program Partners, an electronic trade union card is required, which certifies membership in the Oil and Gas Construction Trade Union of Russia and is a personalized plastic card.#neftegazstroy #trade union #neftegaz #NGSP